Our uniform suppliers are:
Felix Dance and Leisurewear
37 Beach Rd, Littlehampton BN17 5JA
(01903 721375)
Ricara Workwear and Schoolwear
3 Arundel Road, Littlehampton, BN17 7BY
(01903 723843)
Broadwater Sports
85 Marlborough Rd, Worthing BN15 8SJ
(01903 755505)
Uniform Requirements 2024-25
Our uniform is designed to look smart and create a purposeful work ethic amongst all our students. It provides a positive image within the community and encourages a sense of identity, pride and belonging.
Parents/carers are expected to support our partnership by ensuring their children follow all the uniform requirements detailed below and by labelling all items with their child's name.
By making our uniform requirements explicit we hope to convey our expectations clearly and look forward to the support of our students and their families
Every student must wear:
- a black blazer with the TLA logo
- a TLA tie with logo visible below the knot
- a white shirt (long or short-sleeved) tucked into trousers or a TLA skirt and with the top button done up
- black, tailored trousers OR a black, tailored TLA skirt
- plain black or white socks OR plain black or neutral-coloured tights
- plain black shoes or plain black trainers*.
* Trainers MUST be all black. No coloured logos, brands or coloured rims on soles.
During cold weather students may also wear:
- a plain white t-shirt or vest under the shirt
- a plain black v-neck jumper under the blazer
- plain black boots with flat or low heels – these can be worn with skirts or trousers but must fit under the trouser leg
- any outdoor coat - no coats, scarves, gloves or hats are to be worn indoors or during lessons
During Hot Weather:
During periods of hotter weather, students may be told that they can leave their blazers at home. This will be communicated to students and parents as needed.
Students are always free to remove their blazers in lessons throughout the year as they wish.
Items which are not permitted include:
- fitted blouses; blouses with a revere collar
- tight-fitting or skinny trousers; black jeans; leggings
- tight-fitting skirts; skirts made from stretch fabric
- patterned socks; socks in any colour other than black or white
- patterned tights; tights in any colour other than black or neutral
- plimsolls; canvas shoes; white or coloured trainers (black trainers are permitted, see above); shoes with logos or patterns; shoes in any colour other than black
- t-shirts or vests in any colour other than white
- hoodies, sports jumpers and round neck jumpers
- any other item that is not listed in the uniform requirements above
PE KIT (for all students)
Every student must wear;
- TLA sports t-shirt
- Plain black PE shorts (small sports logos no bigger than thumb size, cycling shorts mid thigh or longer)
- Long black football socks and white sports socks
- Non marking trainers providing support and grip (no plimsolls or extreme fashions)
- Hair band for tying back long hair
Highly Recommended:
- TLA sports 3/4 zip jumper
- Shin pads
- Gum shield
- Moulded football boots
- TLA sports leggings
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms (small thumb size logo permitted)
- Black long sleeve base layer
- Towel for drying after showering
Please note – The Littlehampton Academy Sports and Technology Faculty is passionate about students enjoying Physical Education lessons. Throughout the year students will be expected to do PE outside and potentially in cold, wet and windy conditions. It is essential that students are dressed appropriately for these conditions.
Students must change socks for PE lessons and should wear footwear appropriate for the activity they are doing (guidance on this is given by the PE teachers). We strongly advise that shin-pads are worn for Football and Hockey lessons and that mouth guards/gum shields are worn for Rugby and Hockey lessons.
All PE uniforms with the Littlehampton Academy logo can be purchased from Felix, Ricara or Broadwater sports.
Examples of unacceptable PE Kit (list not exhaustive)
Students who arrive in incorrect footwear will be required to exchange it for a pair of academy plimsolls for the day.
Coats, Scarves and hats
Coats, scarves and hats should not be worn indoors and should be carried or placed in students’ bags when moving within the academy building. Coats etc. may be confiscated if they are worn during the day; where this happens, they can always be collected by the student from their year base on the same day as confiscation.
Hoodies are not permitted under any circumstance and will be confiscated. Initially, they will be available for the student to collect from their year base at the end of the day. However, where a student persistently wears a hoodie to, or around the academy, they will be confiscated and only returned to a parent or carer.
A watch and one stud earring in each earlobe may be worn. Earlobe extenders, plugs or tubes are not allowed. Inappropriate jewellery may be confiscated by staff and returned at the end of the day.
A plain black belt may be worn with no oversized buckles.
One small nose stud is permitted. Nose rings and other facial piercings or tongue studs of any type are not permitted
Should be minimal and discrete. Nail varnish, false nails and false eyelashes are not permissible.
Hair should be kept clean and tidy and long hair should be tied back for all practical and sports activities. Haircuts/ styles should be smart and appropriate for an educational setting. Extreme styles including shaved heads, lines, patterns, symbols or words cut into hair are not acceptable. Hair colours must be natural. Students who choose to colour their hair or adopt more extreme styles during the holidays should ensure that they leave plenty of time to grow the style and colour out in time for the start of term.
All students need a bag large enough to carry equipment, a PE kit and school books/folders of A4 size.
How we expect students to wear their uniform
Choice of trousers or skirt - they cannot be worn together.
Suitable Trousers
Trousers must be black, straight-legged and must not have any tapering or flaring. Trousers must be long enough to reach the top of the shoe when standing.