
Art and Design

The Creative Arts Faculty encourages students to explore and respond to cultures, artists, and creative and health practitioners from across Britain and the wider world. Students develop their creative thinking and transferable life skills through art and design, performing arts, and health and social care curricula.

Students will grow in confidence and build their cultural capital as they learn about different artists, musicians, cultures, practitioners, life stages and care practices, as well as learning how to present, perform and create their own informed ideas. This will give our young learners the skills and confidence to find their place in our diverse modern society.

Art and Design at TLA

Art and design at TLA offers opportunities to expand students' creative thinking skills, through research, analytical investigations of artists, art movements, cultures and contextual sources, covering a range of styles, genres, classical and contemporary works of art. Students are encouraged to explore meaning, influences, context and intent through a range of styles and techniques. This allows them to grow an appreciation for the arts and the role it plays in the creative industries that can enrich our lives.

The curriculum is sequenced to increase the level of demand in students’ critical and analytical understanding of practitioners’ work as well as the skills required to experiment and develop their ideas through a range of media. We support students with expanding their practical skills across a broad range of media, such as 3D, ceramics, printmaking, painting, drawing, photography and digital art. Students have opportunities to use industry standard art software programs as well as a wide range of tools to explore techniques. 

We aim to build students' confidence with problem solving skills as they plan and develop independent outcomes within a supportive learning environment. We believe, like Picasso said, ‘every child is an artist’. Art can take on many forms and we aim to celebrate and nurture the ideas students produce, making it an inclusive subject. 

Each key stage is sequenced to equip students with the skills and understanding needed for success at the next key stage, into further study or the world of work. 



In KS3 students in year 7 will explore and experiment with techniques of creating their own portraits, from realistic, to abstract and make meaningful representations of themselves.

Students in year 7 will also be asked to critique different artists’ techniques and ideas. Students will learn about and respond to the work of artists/designers inspired by the sea. They will explore colour mixing and improving their designing/planning skills. Students will explore a design brief and create outcomes, inspired by the seaside artists studied, the techniques developed and their own ideas.

In KS3 students in year 8 will study critique artists’ techniques and ideas.

There will be opportunities to explore and experiment with how to create realistic direct observation drawings, exploring techniques with pen and pencil to then exploring more modern art techniques and ideas. Students will gain opportunities to develop their understanding and use of line, tone, colour, shape and space. 

Students will have opportunities to explore character design, which leads into constructing their own design. They will also have the opportunity to work on a design brief, developing their own ideas for young people that promotes awareness of either LGBTQ+, tolerance or healthy eating.

In KS3 students in year 9 will examine and analyse the work of artists/ designers who are inspired by a cultural celebration and imagery around the festival. They can explore translating and combining their understanding of the Day of the Dead with their own ideas towards the art medium of clay.

There will also be opportunities to develop their graphic skills through designing a printed design which can evolve into an advertising product, such as a poster for Día de Muertos, developing their understanding of composition and making art for a purpose.

Then students will be asked to critique artists and designers from Pop Art. There will be opportunities to explore and experiment with creating art that communicates a message through creating meaningful ideas and using art media to develop outcomes towards one of our art pathways.



Fine art.

During KS4 students will be creating two coursework projects which make up 60% of their GCSE and one exam project worth 40%, which concludes with a 10 hour practical exam to make their final outcomes.

In the first project, students will be asked to study closely observed food and nature through a variety of media. They will critically examine and analyse the work of artists/ designers. They will respond to a design brief which requires them to design and make art for a cafe/restaurant. There will be opportunities to experiment with  textiles, illustration, painting, lino printing and photography within this project.

In the second coursework project students will explore drawing and painting of portraiture and develop ideas towards creating a meaning or message. There will be opportunities to use different paint media, printing, pencil, pen, ink and photography. Students will be exploring contemporary artists, designers, illustrators and developing their ideas through a range of media and create projects that communicate their journey towards all of their outcomes.

Art, Craft & Design.

During KS4 students will be creating two coursework projects which make up 60% of their GCSE and one exam project worth 40%, which concludes with a 10 hour practical exam to make their final outcomes.

For the first project, students will be asked to study and explore insects, birds, plants and nature found in Britain through a variety of media. They will critically examine and analyse the work of artists/ designers. They will respond to a design brief which requires them to design and make art for a National Trust shop. There will be opportunities to experiment with  textiles, illustration, painting, lino printing and photography within this project.

In the second coursework project students will explore 3D sculpture with their own response to the theme ‘Identity’.  There will be opportunities to draw, paint, use photography and ceramics. Students will be exploring contemporary artists, designers, illustrators and developing their ideas through a range of media and create projects that communicate their journey towards all of their outcomes.

Three Dimensional Design 

During KS4 students will be creating 2 smaller and one extended coursework projects which make up 60% of their GCSE and one exam project worth 40%, which concludes with a 10 hour practical exam to make their final outcomes.

Students will first study different methods of designing and drawing in 3D form in response to a design brief and analyse existing products. Students will be drawing for research and design purposes before developing their ideas and creating outcomes in response to the design briefs in digital form. 

For the second project students will study sculpture artists and develop their carving skills in different materials producing a variety of outcomes.

For the extended project students will explore and respond to the theme ‘Architecture’.  There will be opportunities to sketch, design, use photography, digital programs and a range of 3D sculpture materials. Students will be critically exploring contemporary artists, designers, and developing their own ideas in response to a design brief. They will need to present their work as coherent projects. 


In KS5 we offer the following qualifications: 

AQA Art and Design A-level in Art Craft and Design.

AQA Art and Design A-level in Photography. 

In KS5 art and design students start by experiencing a range of artwork shops, where they will experience different techniques and develop skills for developing their own ideas. They embark on an extended project of a theme and direction of their choice. This creates their own personal investigation project for their coursework element worth 60% of their ‘A’ level grade. At the start of February in year13 students start their exam project in which they investigate, experiment and explore ideas and create art. It concludes with a 15 hour exam where they complete a final series of artworks for their project.

In KS5 photography students start by exploring the range of settings, functions and shooting modes on a digital SLR camera. Through practical workshops they will learn how to manipulate depth of field and shutter speed to ensure they are able to select the right camera settings for various shooting conditions. Students then apply this learning to working through a series of mini projects where they explore concepts and devise their own works inspired by contextual references. They will learn how to analyse works showing understanding of meaning and context and be able to articulate how these concepts and ideas in the work of others inform their own. Students then embark on their self directed ‘Personal Investigation’ where they select a theme, issue or style and explore this photographically. The will research and respond to contextual references and produce  a body of work through to a conclusion with photographic outcomes,  supported by an extended essay. The personal investigation concludes at the end of January in Year 13. Students will then select from a range of starting points set by the exam board and produce another extended project concluding in a 15 hour practical exam where final outcomes for their chosen themes are created and presented. 

Coursework is worth 60% of students final mark and the externally set (examined) component is worth 40%



Hours of lessons per fortnight for this subject:

- KS3: 2

- KS4: 5

- KS5: 8

Exam Board

AQA GCSE Art and Design

  • Three Dimensional Design

  • Art, craft and design

  • Fine Art

AQA ‘A’ Level Art & Design.

  • Fine Art

  • Photography


In the art department we have fully equipped classrooms, access to high tech computers with specialist software such as Photoshop and Illustrator, Techsoft CAD, and Fusion 360. In the department we also have  access to a range of cameras for students to use, a photography studio with professional lighting, and a ceramics kiln. The department also offers a Sixth Form Studio.

Trip and Extra-curricular opportunities

The art department offers many enrichment clubs. Pupils are able to take part in school-wide competitions, as well as representing the school in local and national events designed to increase their engagement and enhance their subject knowledge.

Subject Contacts

Name Position Email Address
Gavin Austin-Woodward Director of the Creative Arts Faculty
Lisa Sheldon Head of Art


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