
Computer Science and IT

To equip students to not only survive, but thrive, in the digital world.

To promote and enable students to understand how technology works, how it can be developed and utilised, thus allowing students to develop the problem solving skills and evaluation ability so crucial in the digital world. The Computer Science and IT curriculum is designed to work alongside, and to complement, skills learned in other areas of student endeavour such as mathematics, science, DT, media and graphical design.

Computer Science and IT at TLA

Computer Science is a mandatory subject in English schools and is taught at TLA by subject specialists. Here at TLA we hope to engage and excite students with the complexity of the digital world and the impact that knowledge and behaviours can have on it. We aim to inspire and foster a can-do attitude to acquiring all levels of knowledge and technical skill which is the key to remaining a lifelong learner in this subject, and to grow the key skills and understanding needed for students to function and flourish in the digital environment. 



Year 7 Students will build on their KS2 knowledge of computing by learning a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognising inappropriate content, contact and conduct. We will learn about gaming age classifications, regulations, the issues of loot boxes and gambling. Students will also learn the fundamentals of programming from subject specialists, through the Scratch programming platform, the building of animations, games and drawing of images. 

In year 8, students will go on to  learn about file types, image types and compression. We will look at image manipulation, the link to body image and self-esteem and also how this is used in art work and creative sectors. They will use Fireworks to create a range of graphic assets and will identify conventions relating to movie posters. Students will learn to use fireworks to create and manipulate images. They will then apply these skills to create a movie poster. The students will also learn basic spreadsheet skills including formulas and cell referencing; functions such as sum, average, max and min  and count. They will understand the importance of using appropriate formatting to highlight key data including use of conditional formatting and create a selection of graphs and charts. 

In year 9, Students  will study Python programming and will learn about planning for programs using flowcharts as a basis for logic, algorithmic thinking. A Scratch refresher may be used to refamiliarise students with skills, terms and constructs before students go on to learn more about programming using the commercially and academically popular Python programming language across a range of platforms, both cloud based and on the local network. The next topic students will explore is web design and implementation, by first analysing and planning for a digital marketing/information website using web authoring and digital graphic skills. This content will then be followed by creating digitally manipulated images for a website, building on their understanding from year 8. Websites will then be made in Google sites as this is most like a real world scenario in terms of skills and collaboration. They will build responsive solutions that adapt to different hardware devices. The software allows students to build responsive solutions with embedded resources such as YouTube videos, documents and a selection of other APIs.


Students have two qualifications that can be undertaken:

BTEC Tech Awards Digital Information Technology - This is split across three component units. 

Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques (internally assessed via coursework)

Component 2 - Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data  (internally assessed via coursework)

Component 3 - Effective Digital Working Practices (externally assessed via exam)

Students will start by learning about the different types of user interface and the types of devices they are used on. How design features can aid usability and accessibility. Students will develop their understanding of what makes an effective user interface and how to effectively manage a project. Students will also learn how to organise and manipulate data on spreadsheets, carry out different manipulation and processing methods in order to create a dashboard and analyse datasets as well as present their findings and draw conclusions based on these findings. Students will prepare for and complete the exam board set assignments, and exam, applying the knowledge and skills obtained.

GCSE Computer Science - Students will study the theory of hardware, logical operations and a large portion of networking and cybersecurity. Students will also learn the theory of the structure of the CPU including registers, internal and external hardware, different types of storage and embedded systems. Students will also learn about topologies, protocols and details of networks, how the internet works and cyber security threats. Students will also gain knowledge of data representation and storage. Students will learn about data types, representation of numbers, representation of characters, graphics and sound. Students will learn about storage requirements, compression, data structures & file design and the coding behind it as well as learning about algorithms and constructs using both flowcharts & pseudocode. Students will learn about linear searching using code and records in files, validation using code and an introduction to verification and the differences to validation. Students will learn about software development, whilst studying a GCSE that is taught by subject specialists and assessed using an on-screen exam for coding skills, which will be delivered with the use of python coding skills as students develop their understanding and build on prior knowledge. The GCSE is assessed after two years by a written theory paper (COMP1) worth 50% and an on-screen coding exam (COMP2) worth 50%.


In KS5 students study Computing across 4 units as part of the BTEC L3 Extended Certificate in Computing (Level 3 qualification). In year 12 learners study the fundamental principles of how computer systems work, including the role of hardware and software, the way components of a system work together and how data in a system is used. This is externally assessed as 50% of year 12. This is studied alongside a unit on  IT Systems Security and Encryption. Learners will study IT system security threats and the methods used to protect against them. Learners undertake activities to protect IT systems from security threats, including data encryption. This is 50% of year 12 and internally assessed via coursework. In year 13, students study the Principles of Computer Science, which is a unit that covers the principles that underpin all areas of computer science in terms of algorithms and programming paradigms. It develops computational-thinking skills and students will apply those skills to solve problems in an externally assessed via exam that is worth 66% of year 13. The final 33% of year 13 utilises subject specialist skills to complete an internally assessed unit that may be one of either Computer Games Development or Website Development. This qualification is designed to support learners who are interested in learning about the computing sector alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses, not necessarily in the computing sector. It is designed to be taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels.  


Hours of lessons per fortnight for this subject:

- KS3:1

- KS4:5

- KS5:8


Exam board(s)

EDUQAS GCSE Computer Science - (Level 2 qualification)

Pearson BTEC Tech Awards - Digital Information Technology (Level 1/2 qualification)

Pearson BTEC L3 Extended Certificate in Computing (Level 3 qualification)

Facilities in the department

Computer Science and IT at TLA is taught in subject specialist IT and Computer Science rooms equipped with high specification Dell computers tailored to run software such as the full Adobe suite of products including Fireworks and Photoshop, Python,, Scratch and Greenfoot with Java. Lessons are shared and taught using Google Classroom. Students use a full range of software across a variety of platforms, both on the local network with Microsoft based offerings, as well as cloud based software such as Construct3, colaboratory (colabs), Google sheets, Google sites and many more. The subject is also supported and monitored by a knowledgeable and experienced IT support team.

Trip and Extra-curricular opportunities

In the past students have participated in hackathons, live video events around AI, and trips to exhibitions in other parts of the country.

Subject Contacts

Name Position Email Address
Natasha Anssari Director of the Faculty


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