
Drama and BTEC Performance (Dance & Drama)

The Creative Arts Faculty encourages students to explore and respond to cultures, artists, and creative and health practitioners from across Britain and the wider world. Students develop their creative thinking and transferable life skills through art and design, performing arts, and health and social care curricula.

Students will grow in confidence and build their cultural capital as they learn about different artists, musicians, cultures, practitioners, life stages and care practices, as well as learning how to present, perform and create their own informed ideas. This will give our young learners the skills and confidence to find their place in our diverse modern society.


Drama at TLA

The performing art curriculum exposes students to a wide range of styles, genres, disciplines, and classical and contemporary performance practitioners. Students will explore context, influences, meanings and intent as well as key techniques and features of the styles, techniques and genres they practically and critically explore. The curriculum is sequenced to increase the levels of demand and sophistication both in terms of the analytical and critical understanding of these practitioners works, as well as the complexity of core skills acquired and applied to students’ own performances.  Each key stage is sequenced to equip students with the skills and understanding needed for success at the next key stage, into further study or the world of work.


In KS3, students in year 7 will explore the basics of performance, interpretive and analytical skills through investigating and exploring topics such as ‘Introduction To Drama’, ‘Pantomime’, ‘Musicals’ and ending with a page to stage production. Year 7 will focus on the key skills of  blocking, body language, facial expression, performance, script work, tableau and projection. Students will learn how to perform with dramatic techniques and confidence as a class and as a smaller ensemble. They will develop their performance, interpretive and creative skills through appraising a range of genres and styles. Students in year 7 will also be asked to use industry standard practice to learn and create a performance in the summer term, bringing together and drawing on their prior knowledge learnt within the year. 

In KS3, students in year 8 will build on their prior performance, interpretive and creative skills. They will explore the different styles and genres of performance and disciplines.  Year 8 will focus on the key skills of blocking, characterisation, creative skills, interpretive skills, performance skills, script work, staging and production skills. They will learn to develop their dramatic skills and techniques through investigating new performance genres and practitioners and will gain confidence in performing both on their own and in an ensemble setting. Students in year 8 will also be asked to use industry standard practice to learn and create a performance in the summer term, bringing together and drawing on their prior knowledge.

In KS3, students in year 9 will build on their prior performance, interpretive, creative and production skills. They will explore, examine and analyse different styles and genres of performance and develop their understanding of theatrical disciplines. Year 9 will focus on the skills, techniques and disciplines that link directly to the KS4 Performing Arts BTEC for both dance and drama. They will explore professional repertoire, devise theatre using a set stimulus and explore and analyse the performing arts both practically and theoretically and will gain valuable transferable skills in communication, creative thinking, critical thinking, organisation, problem solving and time management.


In KS4, students will develop industry and sector-specific applied knowledge and skills through realistic vocational contexts. They will develop key skills in performing arts, such as reproducing repertoire and responding to stimuli. They will undertake and develop processes that underpin effective ways of working in the performing arts, such as development of ideas, rehearsal and performance, work ethic, and personal management and communication. They will develop effective understanding and use of performance skills, processes, roles, responsibilities, performance disciplines and style in response to given vocational contexts and briefs. In year 10 students will complete Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts. 

In year 11 students will complete Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts, which are internally marked and externally moderated. They will complete the course by completing Component 3: Responding to a Brief which is externally set.


In KS5, students will extend and further develop their industry, sector specific and specialist knowledge and skills enabling entry to an apprenticeship, employment, or progression to related higher education courses. This BTEC Extended Certificate in Performing Arts level 3, covers multiple performing arts disciplines that individuals can specialise in: 

• Dance

• Acting

• Musical Theatre

In year 12 students will complete Unit 1 and Unit 2. 

Unit 1: Investigating Practitioners’ Work. 

Students will develop industry skills and  investigate the work of influential performing arts practitioners. Students will identify the contextual factors that influence the chosen practitioner's work and critically analyse key information, such as creative intentions, performance, production and repertoire in order to develop and communicate independent judgements.

In Unit 2: Developing Skills and Techniques for Live Performance. 

Students will develop performing, interpretive, creative and technical performing arts skills and techniques in one or more of the performance disciplines of acting, dance, musical theatre, physical theatre and variety/popular entertainment. Students will participate in regular workshops, classes and exercises where they will acquire, practise and develop the necessary technical, practical and interpretative performance skills to succeed when performing live to an audience. Students will investigate, interpret and analyse the nature, skills and attributes of the performer’s role in their chosen discipline. 

In year 13 students will work with teachers to choose an elective module based on their chosen discipline and strengths in their practice.



Hours of lessons per fortnight for this subject:

- KS3:2

- KS4:5

- KS5:8

Exam board(s)

KS4 Pearson BTEC Tech Award in Performance (dance and drama pathways)

KS5 Pearson BTEC National Extended Certificate in Performance. 

Facilities in the department

3 dedicated drama rooms with interactive whiteboards and AV

1 Room with dedicated programmable lighting desk and lighting , and costume/props storage. 

Rooms 1&2 can be opened for a large performance space. 

1 Dual purpose room with 90 mechanically operated seats for lecture seating. 

Portable staging.


Trip and Extra-curricular opportunities

A dedicated drama enrichment program that leads to productions and performances throughout the year. All years welcome. 

Enrichment trips planned into KS4 curriculum where possible. Local theatre visit opportunities linked to the curriculum will be explored during the academic year where possible.


Subject Contacts

Name Position Email Address
Gavin Austin-Woodward Director of the Faculty
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