

Learning skills to solve problems which haven’t been created yet

The mathematics curriculum enables students to explore the patterns and structures of the world around us.  As they progress through the academy, students develop an appreciation of the universal language of mathematics that underpins our global society.  Through enquiry, reasoning and problem-solving students learn how to apply complex mathematical concepts to the real world.

Maths at TLA

At TLA our aim is to ensure students are able to think mathematically, solve problems with confidence, nurture a love of mathematics, and equip students with the tools they need to succeed. We do this by fostering a deep and sustainable understanding of maths through the mastery approach. The emphasis of the mastery approach is on truly understanding and applying mathematical concepts as opposed to rote learning.

We follow the White Rose Maths curriculum. It is a 5 year scheme of work with a well sequenced journey from year 7 to year 11. The core of White Rose Maths is the maths mastery approach, which focuses on depth rather than acceleration, ensuring that key concepts are fully grasped before moving on. The curriculum has been designed to interleave (revisiting topics within new contexts).


In KS3 students will build on their Maths learning from KS2. They will be taught to develop fluency, reason mathematically and solve problems. Students  will study number, algebra, ratio, proportion, rates of change, geometry, measures, probability, and statistics.


In KS4 students will build on key stage 3 maths learning, make connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. They will continue to study number, algebra, ratio, proportion, rates of change, geometry, measures, probability, and statistics.


In KS5 student will take their skills from key stage 4 and take them to exciting new areas of mathematics including calculus, advanced trigonometry and probability distributions. They develop skills in creative problem solving and mathematical communication to provide solutions to problems at the highest level.


Hours of lessons per fortnight for this subject:

- KS3: 8

- KS4: 8 

- KS5: 8

Exam board(s)

Edexcel: Mathematics GCSE 9-1

Facilities in the department

Interactive smartboards, access to computers and chrome books, booklets for students to work in.

Calculators and geometry sets in the classroom for students to borrow if they have forgotten theirs so learning time is not lost.

Mathematical manipulatives to help grasp abstract Mathematical concepts.

Trip and Extra-curricular opportunities

We take KS4 students to Disneyland Paris to learn how maths is used in a real life context, from designing roller coasters to estimating queue times, to costume and set design, to landscaping, to the fiscal management of the business.

Subject Contacts

Name Position Email Address
Natasha Anssari Director of Mathematics Faculty
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