
Personal Development

Education that prepares for life today, and tomorrow.

Our aim is to provide our students with an education that prepares them for life’s opportunities and challenge


Personal Development at TLA

The Personal Development curriculum at TLA gives students the resilience to overcome the inevitable obstacles that life will throw their way such as puberty, dealing with mental health and integrating into an ethnically diverse and multicultural society. The curriculum teaches our students to make informed choices and decisions and be accountable for their actions. Our subject content is directed by the 2020 new statutory guidance on Relationships Education, Sex and Relationships Education (RSE) and Health Education. It is also reviewed and changed each year by the Personal Development Head of Department according to the arising needs of our students and context. Personal development covers three core themes: (i) health and wellbeing; (ii) relationships; and (iii) living in the wider world, and including learning about:

  • Drugs and alcohol education

  • Personal health and safety

  • Healthy lifestyles

  • Mental health

  • Body image

  • Online safety

  • Friendship and bullying

  • Sex and relationships

  • Human rights and diversity

  • Personal finance and money

  • Careers


Hours of lessons per fortnight for this subject:

- KS3: 1

- KS4: 1

- KS5: 1

Statutory guidance

Facilities in the department

Fully equipped classrooms with three classrooms with access to IT across the corridor. The well-stocked library with a range of periodicals  and non-fiction books to meet the needs of both PHSE and citizenship

Trip and Extra-curricular opportunities

We have the opportunity to work with external agencies such as Acorns Pregnancy Counselling, Sussex and Police and Road safety organisations

Subject Contacts

Name Position Email Address
Rosalind Waite-Jones Head of Personal Development
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